


Why is AEON different?

AEON has a balance of both humic and fulvic acids. They are found together in nature and work synergistically. They each have unique benefits and work best when combined together then each on their own.

AEON has solved the difficult challenges of producing a nutraceutical grade humic and fulvic acid supplement:

  • Firstly, AEON is made for human consumption only. Many products on the market are AG or agricultural grade versions not designed or even suitable for human consumption
  • AEON’s source deposit is located a pristine areas in Canada which are internationally recognized as some of the most nutrient dense and purest in the the world 
  • AEON undergoes a patented 2-stage purification and extraction process that renders only the most highly active molecules
  • No chemicals are used in this process
  • These ionically charged nutrients are low molecular weight and nano-particular sized, making them more bioavailable in the human body than unrefined versions (like shilajit)
  • These proprietary processes render AEON the most pure, toxin-free and effective humic and fulivc acids available
  • AEON has virtually zero taste and mixes instantly in water. Products like shilajit have a very “distinct” taste and smell, making shilajit unpalatable for most people. Shilajit also does not mix well in water.
  • AEON utilizes only 100% filtered and purified humic and fulvic acids, unlike shilajit which may only contain 0.96%-6% humic and fulivc acids
  • AEON has no trace of mycotoxins, unlike shilajit which has been demonstrated to contain these harmful toxins
  • AEON also contains 200mg of active nutrients. Many of the top selling brands are only between 2.46mg – 100mg per dose

Is AEON FDA approved?

The FDA has reviewed AEON’s ingredients and has approved AEON’s health claims .

FDA SFC #: 2019002033. 

FDA approved stamp

Is AEON approved by Health Canada?


Canada has one of the most highly regarded and stringent health supplement regulations in the world. Health products sold in Canada must meet extremely high international standards and have an NPN license.. Health supplements need to be scientifically proven to be safe, effective and have a high level of clinical evidence to support health claims. 

AEON Health Canada License NPN 80076801


Is AEON approved by USADA (US Anti-Doping Agency)?

The ingredients in AEON are not listed on USDA’s banned substances database are are deemed to be safe for use in athletic preparation and competition.

What is humic and fulvic acid?

Humic and fulvic acids are naturally occurring super nutrients designed by nature. They derived from rare earth deposits found in areas that were once rich in prehistoric vegetation and vital ocean beds and created in extremely small quantities under the influence of millions of useful microbes.

They consist of over 80+ beneficial ingredients and have been demonstrated by science to provide immense health benefits. Humic and fulvic acids are so complex in nature that  although there have been numerous attempts by scientists, they have never been successfully synthesized. This ionic substance is considered the essence of nature’s synergy.
Have more questions? See our other fulvic acid faq here.

Are they natural and organic?

Yes. Humic and fulvic acids are 100% natural plant-based compounds derived from rare earth deposits. They are designed with the intelligence of nature which organically compounds various nutrients providing a unique supplement with various uses and benefits.

Are they safe?

These highly effective nutrient compounds have been used in medicine and health since the 15th century in China and extensively in Ayurvedic medicine in crude forms such as Shilajit (science has demonstrated that the active constituents in Shilajit are fulvic and humic acids), then fully extracted and researched in Germany for its health benefits starting in 1786.

Where can I read some scientific studies on the health benefits fulvic and humic acid?

We have compiled a list of scientific research on fulvic and humic acid, and Shilajit here

Can AEON be taken during pregnancy?

Fulvic acid has been used for thousands of years safely in the crude from of shilajit by pregnant women. In modern times it has been recommended by many naturopaths and integrative medicine doctors during pregnancy. We always recommended you consult with your health care professionals first before undertaking ANY form of supplementation including AEON. We hope this helps
Many of Hollywood’s top listers are using Shilajit in their daily routines as a supplement to balance their modern lifestyle and to stay fit and healthy throughout their many roles.
The Simpsons’ famous tv show creator, Matt Groening, and his wife Augustina Picasso are avid users of Shilajit. When Augustina was pregnant with their twin girls, she used the Ayurvedic supplement every day. This resulted in awe and recognition from doctors, the day her girls were born. They were very impressed with the health and strength of the newborn babies.

AEON vs Shilajit?

  • AEON in its natural form has virtually zero taste and Shilajit, well, tastes like funky dirt. Organic peppermint extract has been added to AEON for it’s stomach soothing benefits and it’s IBS calming properties
  • AEON mixes instantly in liquid, unlike Shilajit which doesn’t dissolve well at all (it is a tar-like resin in natural form)
  • Shilajit has been tested and may contain harmful mycotoxins
  • AEON has been tested and contains no mycotoxins
  • Although Shilajit has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries, science has recently demonstrated that the actual active constituents to be humic and fulvic acids
  • Shilajit has been tested around 0.96% fulvic acid per mg. Some products may claim higher amounts, but this remains unverified
  • AEON uses 100% pure humic and fulvic acids


How do I take AEON and how long will it last?

Each box of 28 sachets will last 4 weeks. Optimal results are obtained by using 1 AEON first thing in the morning or empty stomach for a minimum of 28 days.

Most people make it a simple morning ritual, 10min before any food or drink.

Everyone has different levels of toxicity and severity of conditions, so some people may need 2-3 doses/day after the first month.  Experiment and see what works best for you.

Why is the deposit source so important?

The deposit source for the raw materials of humic and fulvic extracts are paramount to their intrinsic health benefits and nutritional content.

Each deposit has their own biomass signature unique to each area making each deposit different in nutritional content and effectiveness.

Why are Canadian deposits superior?

Canadian deposits have been highly regarded internationally as some of the most pure and nutrient dense deposits of humic and fulvic on earth.

These rare deposits are located in some of the most pristine regions in Canada. AEON is made from 100% Canadian sourced deposits.

AEON F.I.T. Advantage – Patented extraction and purification 

AEON F.I.T. (Fractionated Isolation Technology)

Humic substances have a broad spectrum of molecular weights and sizes. As part of our research and development protocols, we are utilizing a unique and patented approach to the extraction, purification and separation (fractionate) of humic substances we call F.I.T.

By leveraging physical principles to isolate compounds within a molecular weight range throughout the spectrum, we can make adjustments to narrow down and isolate only the most bioavailable molecules. As a result, AEON is designed to yield benefits that are more relevant and impactful than those of crudely extracted and unfractionated humic substance compounds.

The industry standard for obtaining humic substances is a chemical base-acid extraction method. This industry standard technique of base-acid extraction yields undifferentiated products with residual impurities. The F.I.T. process is performed at a near-neutral pH and requires minimal chemical inputs. This approach to the isolation of humic substances results in products that are safer and more natural.

AEON uses nanotechnology – what is this?

A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm.Nanoparticles have a wide variety of potential applications in biomedical fields because of their unique properties and increased delivery potential. They are of great scientific interest as they effectively bridge between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures.

What is the industry standard of Humic and Fulvic acids?

Until recently, there has been no standardized analytical method for humic, fulvic and Shilajit that the scientific community could rely on for consistent accuracy to determine the quantity and quality of active constituents in an extract.

Without an industry standard, manufacturers of humic extracts have used questionable testing methods that have resulted in various unsubstantiated claims being made on labels, marketing literature and websites of commercial humic derived products.

These claims have caused many scientists, researchers and consumers to question the validity and accuracy of these claims which have made the evaluation of these products very difficult.

AEON is a standardized humic and fulvic acid supplement, making it a suitable candidate for a standardized industry standard.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation

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INVIKTVS Scientific Innovations Inc.
186-8120 No 2 Road
Richmond, British Columbia V7C 5J8

DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation